๑ Psychology ๑

*[ENG]: The article uses English language
*[IND]: The article uses Indonesian language

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 Metode Perencanaan Penggunaan Sumber-sumber Daya Manusia & Permasalahannya [IND]

Strategi Epistemologis bagi Pengembangan Indigenous Psychology | Pendekatan Metateori [IND]
Pengembangan dalam Indigenous Psychology dengan Pendekatan Metateori

Strategi Epistemologis bagi Pengembangan Indigenous Psychology | Metode Cross-Indigenous [IND]
Enriquez (1977, 1993) mengusulkan metode cross-indigenous diawali dengan penentangannya terhadap pendekatan indigenization from without dan pengembangan dari indigenization from within

Group Processes in Organizational Contexts (Joseph E. McGrath and Linda Argote): Formation Processes [ENG]
Brief yet helpful explanation about Forces in Group Formation and Types of Groups

Strategi Epistemologis bagi Pengembangan Indigenous Psychology | Pendekatan Derived Etic [ENG]
Berry (1969, 1989) mengklasifikasikan pendekatan-pendekatan penelitian psikologi lintas-budaya menjadi tiga kategori, yaitu, imposed etic, emic, dan derived etic. Simak ulasan mengenai pendekatan derived etic

Consequences of Egocentrism in Negotiation [ENG]
Evidence on egocentrism can help account for why disputants pay the high costs of strikes, ligitation, delay, stalemate, and deadlock, despite strong incentives to reach agreement. There are two ways to understand how this clash could result in impasse
Evidence on Egocentrism in Negotiation [ENG]
The result is that even though people display a preference for fairness, the desire for fairness in negotiated outcomes is easily biased in their own favor. This self-serving bias in assessment or interpretation has been referred to in the literature as egocentrism

Perencanaan Penggunaan Sumber-sumber Daya Manusia [IND]
Tugas-tugas perencanaan dan kekhususan penggunaan SDM, analisa keadaan dan penggunaan SDM

Permasalahan Sumber Daya Manusia (Pendekatan Makro) [IND]
Sumber daya manusia merupakan fakta dinamika yang memerlukan suatu pengelolaan yang tepat, sehingga benar-benar menjadi faktor pokok pembangunan

Individual Differences in Attributions: Locus of Control [ENG]
The propensity to explain events in terms of oneself versus the environment is termed locus of control

Do People Always Use Schemas? [ENG]
Schemas, then, represent our social learning, the social categories that we use to impute meaning to the people we meet and the situations we encounter

Perspectives on Japanese Practice [ENG]
Japanese production methods have been viewed from a variety of perspectives, the three main ones being  the technological, the social-political and the ideological, each of which is reviewed below

Salah Kaprah Konsepsi CSR sebagai Beban [IND]
Kekuatiran kewajiban melakukan CSR yang dianggap sebagai beban dunia usaha terlalu berlebihan dan bisa dikatakan salah kaprah

Differences Among Types of Societies [ENG]
One of the most important proporsitions in ecological-evolutionary theory is the one which asserts that advances in subsistence technology are a necessary condition for any significant increase in the size, complexity, wealth, or power of a society
Akuntansi CSR [IND] 
Mengenai dimensi akuntansi CSR dan tujuan-tujuannya

Types of Human Societies: Classifying Human Societies [ENG]
The system of classification that we will use in studying human societies is based on the subsistence technologies that they employ. This led some of them to comparisons of societies and to efforts to classify them
♨ The Theory of Georg Simmel [ENG]
Simmel’s analysis of society is somewhat similar to that which we have made. He maintains that the concept of society has significance only when it stands in some sort of contrast to that of the sum of the individuals involved

♨ Sociology as a Science [ENG]
In saying that sociology is a science, however, we have really said very little; simply saying sociology is a science does not make it one. The problem remains of distinguishing sociology from the other sciences

The Foot-in-The-Door Phenomenon [ENG]
Experiments suggest that if you want people to do a big favor for you, a good technique is to get them to do a small favor first. In the best-known demonstration of this foot-in-the-door principle

The I-Knew-It-All-Along Phenomenon [ENG]
One problem with commonsense explanations is that we tend to invoke them after we know the facts. Events are far more “obvious” and predictable in hindsight than beforehand

 Personality, Temperament, and Character [ENG]
The term personality has historically meant many things to many people. To aid in our definition of personality, it may be of some value to contrast our notion of personality to the related concepts of temperament and character, terms that are often used interchangeably with personality

♨ What is Personality? [ENG]
It seems appropriate to begin with in-depth discussion of human personality with a definition of just what the term personality is intended to encompass

The Nature of Attitudes, Beliefs, and Values [ENG]
Some attitude theorists consider that attitudes have three components: evaluations, beliefs, and behavioral intentions. So what's the relation between the attitudes itself with beliefs and values? A brief summary about the nature of attitudes, the nature of beliefs, and the nature of values

Presenting Ourselves to Others: The Art of Impression Management [ENG]
We cannot avoiding disclosing things about ourselves; indeed, even in trying to restrict what we disclose we tell quite a bit about ourselves. Although we may believe that we should not deceive people about what we really are, in fact, we all engage in some impression management. How then do we go about doing this?

Finding Out About Others and Ourselves: Social Perception, Attribution, and Self-Presentation | Presenting Ourselves to Others: Personality and Cultural Differences in Self-Disclosure [ENG]

Examining Others in Depth: The Role of Distinctiveness, Consensus, and Consistency in Attribution [ENG]
According to an influential paper by Harold H. Kelley (1967), people tend to attribute causes by using logic that resembles how social scientists test their hypotheses. They analyze the variance of presumed causes and effects in a manner corresponding to the basic logic used in statistical analysis (The Role of Distinctiveness, Consensus, and Consistency in Attribution)

Formation: Examining Others in Depth "Considering The Effects of The Act" [ENG]
 Finding Out About Others and Ourselves: Social Perception, Attribution, and Self-Presentation. "Thus, it appears that adult respondents also judge guilt, at least in part, on the basis of the effects of acts "

Konselor sebagai Pribadi Penyembuh [IND]
Sekiranya artikel ini memberikan gagasan tentang bagaimana seorang konselor sebagai pribadi penyembuh bagi kliennya

Sifat Khas Seorang Konselor [IND]
Hanya lewat keaslian kita dan kelincahan kitalah maka kita akan benar-benar dapat menyentuh klien

Ciri-Ciri Pribadi Seorang Konselor yang Efektif [IND]
Ciri-ciri dalam pribadi seorang konselor yang efektif dalam sesi konseling

Examining Others in Depth: Front Stage and Backstage Behavior [ENG]
 Finding Out About Others and Ourselves: Social Perception, Attribution, and Self-Presentatio, focuses on front stage and backstage behavior

♨ Forming Impressions of Others: Sex Stereotyping and Sex Bias [ENG]
 Finding Out About Forming Impressions of Others: Sex Stereotyping and Sex Bias

♨ Forming Impressions of Others: Ethnic Stereotyping [ENG]
 Finding Out About Forming Impressions of Others: Ethnic Stereotyping

Forming Impressions of Others: Making The Shoe Fit: The Functions and Consequences of Stereotyping [ENG]
The funtions and consequnces of stereotyping

Forming Impressions of Others: “Warm” and “Cold” as Central Traits [ENG]
We tend to think that people separate into two groups, between warm or liked and cold or unliked. This article will explain about it for more, and also offer an experiment about the matter by Asch

 The Person Alone | Why We Need People [ENG]
Why do we need others?
The Person Alone | Alone in The Presence of Others: Measuring Loneliness (2nd Article) [ENG]
Are you interested in finding out how lonely you are? If so, try your hand at the following questionnaire

♨ The Person Alone | Alone in The Presence of Others: Loneliness [ENG]
Social psychologists in the study of loneliness, the feelings associate with loneliness, and the possible reasons for loneliness

The Person Alone | Alone in Isolation: Isolation and Psychopathology [ENG]

♨ Persons in Groups and Society as a Focus [ENG]
Initial focus is on the person as an actor and an observe, as an initiator of actions from others, gradually broadening our scan to groups and society

Social Psychology as a Formal Discipline  [ENG]

Why Study Social Psychology [ENG]
There are several good reasons why it seems useful to study social psychology

Who is Not a Social Psychologist [ENG]
Explain about the differences between people and the real social psychologist

What is Social Psychology? [ENG]
Definition of Social Psychology, an introduction

Manajer Perlu Pengalaman Internasional [IND]
Menjabarkan apa yang ingin dijelaskan pada manajemen lintas kultural

Perspektif Efektivitas (Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi) [IND]
Perspektif efektivitas termasuk dalam bab manajemen individual, kelompok, dan efektivitas organisasi

 Studi Organisasi - Pendahuluan [IND]
Mendefinisikan pengertian perilaku organisasi

Current Perspective in Psychology [ENG]
Explain about 5 Contemporary Perspective in Psychology; the behavioral, the biological, the cognitive, the psychodynamic and the social perspective

Why Measure Performance? [ENG]
Performance measurements in industry or organization

The Beginnings of Psychology [ENG]
The five early schools of psychology. An explanation about Structuralism, Functionalism, Gestalt Psychology, Early Behaviorism, and Early Psychoanalysis

♨ Identifying The Symptoms of Stress [ENG]
The most common signs and symptoms of stress in your life. A self-portrait of your current tendencies in response to the demands and challenges in your life.

♨ The Scope of Psychology [ENG]
Definition of psychology, introduction to psychology

♨ Perbedaan Antara Analisa Jabatan dan Penyelidikan Gerak [IND]
Pengertian analisa jabatan dan penyelidikan gerak, perbedaan analisa jabatan dan penyelidikan gerak

♨ Makna Perbedaan-Perbedaan Individu dalam Industri [IND]
Ciri-ciri personil individu dalam prestasi kerja. Mengulas tentang faktor fisik dan faktor psikis yang merupakan sumber perbedaan individu dalam bekerja

♨ Perbedaan Individu dalam Segi Fisik [IND]
Mengulas lebih detail mengenai faktor fisik dalam artikel "Makna Perbedaan-Perbedaan Individu dalam Industri"

♨ Perbedaan Individu dalam Segi Psikis [IND]
Mengulas lebih detail mengenai faktor psikis dalam artikel "Makna Perbedaan-Perbedaan Individu dalam Industri"

♨ Mitologi Yunani Eros dan Psyche [IND]
Cerita singkat mengenai Mitologi Yunani Eros dan Psyche

♨ Istilah-Istilah yang Lazim Membuat Bingung dalam Psikiatri [IND]
Pengertian istilah-istilah yang berkaitan dalam ranah psikiatri

Women, Cardiovascular Disease, and Stress [ENG]
An explanation of relation between cardiovascular disease (CVD) and Stress for women

♨ Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders [ENG]
This category of disorders consists of disorders that cause sexual dysfunctions and problems in gender identity. These disorders are organized into (1) sexual dysfunctions, (2) paraphilias, and (3) gender identity disorders

♨ The Stress Response in The Body [ENG]
Describe the biologic response of body to stress

What is Stress? [ENG]
The meaning of stress, physical changes due to stress

♨ Psychopathic Personality: The Mask of Sanity [ENG]
The article is about an explanation of "Psychopathic Personality" in the middle of 90's and also describe about the following characteristics of psychopathic personalities

A Biography of Freud [ENG]
Freud is well-unknown person in Psychology. He is so popular until now with their ideas about Psychodynamic Theories. This post will give you a biography of Sigmund Freud

Improving Remembering: Or, Studying Made Easier [ENG]
All memories can be improved to some extent simply by applying some of the principles psychologists have learned in their study of remembering and forgetting

Unlocking The Brain [ENG]
 The brain is a difficult organ to study. It is locked up inside a bony skull and protected by several layers of membrane and cushioning fluid.Our knowledge of the brain -- what it does, what it is capable of, and which areas are responsible for each function - increases only as quickly as researches can figure out new methods for studying this mysterious part of ourselves

The Occult Parasciences [ENG]
 For centuries, people have planned their life events with one eye one reality and the other on the signs of zodiac. And now, the ancient art of astrology has entered the computer age. Between Astrology and The Ouija Board

The Varieties of Parasciences [ENG]
The varieties of parascience

The Psychologist and Personal Bias [ENG]
Personal bias is harder to detect, and often a psychologist is unaware that his view of "the facts" may appear distorted or blurred to others

What are Psychologists Really Like?  [ENG]
 Psychologists, have you ever guessed what they really like? Now I will talk about this matter in this post

Kepribadian Berdasarkan Bentuh Tubuh  [IND]
Mengulas tentang Kepribadian dari Teori William H. Sheldon bahwa kepribadian berkaitan erat dengan faktor biologis manusia

Genitourinary Disorders - Amenorrhea [ENG]
A brief explanation of Amenorrhea
Healthy: Smile [ENG]
As the title says, being healthy will lead to a bright smile

Gangguan Stres PascaTrauma (PTSD) [IND]
Penjabaran mengenai PTSD dan simtom-simtomnya

Androgini [IND]
Mungkin Anda pernah mendengar kata Androgini tapi belum mengetahui apa maksudnya, atau bisa jadi Anda belum tau sama sekali. Simak artikel berikut untuk mengetahui apa itu Androgini dan mungkin Anda akan terkesima betapa dekatnya Androgini dengan lingkup Anda

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