Rants of an Amateur who Loves English

Well, it's not random rants. But, yeah it's my rants. Reasonable rants to someone (or maybe not just that one) who judge me about my affection to English language more than my own language...

It's such a rude-baseless-egoistical offense to justify if someone doesn't have such ability to speak or write Indonesian just because they do not like it.
When you view those who do not like using Indonesian lang like they're bad at using it in a professional way, it's just the same as you say yourself as an unprofessional expert.
The affective has nothing to do with the performance of "certain" people who knows well how to differentiate the business with personal point of view.
You have no rights to score my ability by looking at a statement and appearance.

Even further, you, who judge even more that I don't have nationalism or patriotism, are even judgemental and... idiot? Well.
How come you take measures of nationalism and patriotism? Based on your point of view? Again, this is clearly a sign of unprofessional kind of thinking after judging once.
What really is nationalism and patriotism anyway?
I, with full awareness, recognize my nationality is Indonesia.
When I asked where I am from or where I was born or where I live, I say "Indonesia". And if Indonesians ask me to chat or discuss in Indonesian, I reply in Indonesian as they demand.
When it's Pancasila day or Independence day or any other day that held a ceremony, several times in my late adolescence phase, I came voluntarily to the ceremony even if I could choose to slack off at my bedroom like other teenagers rather than tanning myself in an open field to give respect to Sang Saka Merah Putih. In addition, I was the one amongst a small number of people less than 200 attending the ceremony in a big university of thousand students. At least, amongst them I realized more about my status as Indonesian, how precious is the Indonesian flag, how valuable are the state symbol and its celebrations.
I memorize 5 Sila of Pancasila that even some of the country officials shame themselves in public by forgetting about it.
I joined the crowd of demonstration in the name of justice which stakes the integrity of Indonesia.
Then, once again, let me ask you back as you judged me before, what's the logical reasoning behind your judgemental statement to me? Do I have to die in the name of Indonesia like becoming the front-liner in a war zone as it means the nationalism and patriotism portray in your perspective? If it really is, you, yourself, have no nationalism and patriotism, because you're still breathing.

I live in Indonesia. I speak Indonesian lang daily like other Indonesians. My identity card shows my nationality as Indonesian. I take my education in Indonesia. All of it in Indonesia. And even though I don't like Indonesian language I use it, speak with it, to the Indonesians. I do it like "normal", not with underestimating the language when I use it. I do it like a pro, separating personal affective to everyday life, regardless of my personal affective not to fond of it.
And you? You are that proud to judge me about my affection of a language? Have you ever asked why I don't like it? Have you knew it was because of the choices of words and the replacement of textual material in the terms of affective aspect which often feel not right or less precise to use, and sometimes sounds a bit exaggerating. In short, in my point of view, English lang is preferable because it can substitute what's on my mind to words near perfect to its actual meaning. That's several reasons from me. I have my own reasons of my dislikeness, the reasonable reasoning.

Note that no matter where someone lives, there is always pro and contra in between, internally, within them, about their country. There's no perfect country even a developed country itself has its own weaknesses. As long as I do what I need to do as the residence of Indonesia; paying taxes, subject to the rules or anything about regulatory system, respect to the country & its citizens; I also have my rights, not as the citizen but as a human to possess cognitive, affective, and conative aspects to be applied. My dislikeness has nothing to do with your business. My dislikeness isn't the thing to determine whether I am eligible or appropriate for using Indonesian lang.

With respect, I'm not an expert for years in the experience like you. But, if I have an option to be like you. I'd rather kill myself than make a fool of me and ashamed myself in front of others by close-minded perspective. Your preference is not the same as others. It doesn't matter which side is correct or not. What's matter is to know what's behind the curtains wall and your decision to act on it. Regards, an amateur who loves English.

×『9.』×【増原 紀花】
